Authentic Foods Sorghum Flour, Superfine
The Authentic Foods White Sorghum Flour is derived from a cereal grain crop and is 100% gluten free and non-GMO. It can be used by itself or mixed with other gluten free flours to make delicious breads, pizza dough, cakes, pastries, etc. Nutritionally, sorghum is a better source of protein and fiber than rice flour. The White Sorghum Flour is high in insoluble fiber with relatively small amounts of soluble fiber. The protein and starch components of grain sorghum are more slowly digested than other cereals and slow the rate of digestion for products made from White Sorghum. Slower rates of digestibility are beneficial for diabetics.
Authentic Foods Sorghum Flour can be used in so many ways to create healthy and tasty food for you and your whole family to enjoy!
To preserve optimum freshness, store in freezer.